Online Calculator

Online Calculater is a free online simple calc to calculate square roots.

This calculator is advanced tool like TI 84 plus, TI 83 , TI 30,TI 30XS, TI 36 calculators. it calculates square roots cube roots, tangent, cosine, sines, trignometry,exponential, percentage, logarithm, inverse, cotangent, squares, multiplication, division, addition, algebra, subtraction of numbers.

This is a free online math/science calculator similar to those from TI, Casio, HP and others. It supports functions for algebra, trigonometry and equations.

Enter a formula either by typing on the keyboard (see keyboard input below), pressing the buttons on the calculator with the mouse, or a mixture of both. Type in the formula as you would say it, then press = or the keyboard enter key. For example:

The table below shows what to type for each function. The function has an argument which must be in parentheses, for example cos(18). When you enter a function from the screen buttons, the first parenthesis is entered for you. For example when you press the cos button, it enters "cos"

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